Home 9 Scientific activities 9 Background


The scientific activities of the ELS are central to the society. The ELS was founded in 1995 as a platform for researchers active in the field of laryngology to share and collaborate on their work. And this is still one of the main purposes of the society today. As a result, for the past 25 years, the ELS has produced a number of well-known guidelines, consensus statements and classifications that are used worldwide to support laryngologists in their daily practice and has supported effective collaborations on original research projects.

The scientific work of the ELS is generated via two main pathways: the scientific committees and topic committees. Scientific committees are standing committees focused on one area of laryngology producing guidelines and consensus statements to support daily practice and creating a platform for collaboration on original scientific research projects. Topic committees are temporary committees that are created to tackle a project such as guideline or a consensus statement on a very specific topic.

Next to the committees the ELS also has a scientific council compiled of experts in the different fields of laryngology that advice, support and represent the society in international events and courses.


Want to participate in the scientific activities of the ELS?

If you want to participate in an area of research of an existing scientific committee, or if you have an interest in developing a guideline or consensus statement for a specific topic (maybe centered around an issue from your daily practice) contact us and we will guide you to our experts in the field.