ELS Internal rules
1.1. General Assembly
The rights and duties of the General Assembly are described in the statutes of the association.
1.2 Board of Directors
1.2.1. Title Board of Directors and Association
The titles Board of Directors and Association are the correct legal terms to be used in formal documents such as the statures. Within the Association the Board of Directors is informally known as the Presidential Council (PC) and the Association is informally known as the society.
1.2.1 Residual powers of the Board of Directors
Residual powers of the Board of Directors (BoD, henceforth internally known as Presidential Council, PC) described in the statutes include:
- promoting the necessary activities to pursue the Society’s objectives and supervising all society activities
- discussing and approving the budget to be presented to the General Assembly as prepared by the Treasurer
- proposing to the General Secretary the subjects added to the General Assembly’s agenda
- examining and proposing additional activities like workshops and so on
- assisting the President in choosing the site, duration, and organization of the convention
- proposing the names of members to be candidates for office elections
- proposing possible modifications of the society’s statutes
- examining proposals and requests of members that are to be brought to the attention of the General Assembly
- electing the Honorary Members
- electing members of the Scientific Council
- defining new roles within the PC and proposing candidates for these posts
- proposing adjustments in membership fees to general assembly (GA)
1.2.2 Executive Committee
The daily management of the society (acts and decisions which do not go beyond the needs of the daily life of the society, and acts and decisions which, either for reasons of minor importance or for reasons of urgency, do not justify the intervention of the BoD) are entrusted to a number of key-positions within the Board of Directors (Presidential Council). These are: the President, the Vice President, the Treasurer, the General Secretary and the Vice-General Secretary. Next to participation in the daily management a number of specific tasks of the key-positions are described below.
1.2.2.a President
The President holds office for two years without the possibility of re-election. He/she organizes the upcoming biennial convention on behalf of the Board of Directors.
1.2.2.b Vice President
The Vice President holds office for 2 years without the possibility of re-election. He/she proposes the location and main subject of the biennial convention 2nd in line to the upcoming convention to be approved by the Board of Directors. He/she also organizes the biennial convention 2nd in line to the upcoming convention on behalf of the Board of Directors.
1.2.2.c General Secretary
The General Secretary holds office for four years with the possibility of one re-election (total eight years). The General Secretary oversees the day to day running of the society including maintaining and updating society structure (statutes and internal rules), maintaining relationships with affiliated laryngological and ENT Scientific Associations, maintaining relationships with industry partners, communicating society news to members, calling and preparing of the agenda for and chairs the meetings of the Board of Directors and the General Assembly. The General Secretary can choose to delegate these tasks to appointed members of the Board of Directors or society. The General Secretary is the ELS liaison for the biennial CEORL-HNS conference and is in charge of drafting the ELS contribution to the scientific program after consulting the PC and SC for topics.
1.2.2.d Vice General Secretary
The Vice General Secretary assists the General Secretary in the tasks described above according to a delegation decided by the two respective representatives.
1.2.2.e Treasurer
The Treasurer holds office for four years with the possibility of one re-election (total eight years). He/she is in charge of the economic and financial administration of the ELS, for correct accounting and presenting approved annual accounts and for preparing budgets to be presented to the General Assembly.
1.2.2.f Additional portfolios
In addition to the functions of the executive council there are several different portfolios held by directors in the board. They hold office for four years with the possibility of re-election. These are:
- Education and training (see appendix 1 for profile)
- Media and communication (see appendix 2 for profile)
- Representative at European Archives
- Scientific officer
1.2.3 Presidential Council meetings
The Presidential Council meeting takes place several times a year. As per the statutes video meeting is considered equal to a physical face to face meeting. The Board of Directors is considered regularly convened if at least half of the directors are present.
2.1 Scientific council
Scientific councilors are experienced laryngologists. Their role is to give advice and proposals to the Presidential Council about scientific meetings, topics, workshops etc. In addition, they participate in society events regarding teaching and training. They assist the Presidential Committee in selecting scientific papers. They are nominated by the Presidential Council for four years with the possibility of a re-nomination after that period. Members of the Scientific Council:
- submit proposals for topics at ELS related events such as the CEORL conference
- act as abstract reviewers for ELS related events such as the CEORL conference
- represent ELS in organized ELS panels at affiliated society meetings
- represent the ELS at subject related conferences and meetings
- advise the Presidential Council on topic related to your specific area of expertise within laryngology
- inform participants of future ELS events at subject related conferences and meetings
- have an active role in ELS biennial conference
2.2 Auditing committee
The auditing committee consists of two ordinary members, appointed by the Presidential Council for four years. Their role is to audit the accounts prepared by the treasurer before they are presented to the General Assembly.
A Newsletter is sent four times per year (Spring/March; Summer/June; Autumn/September and Christmas/December). In all other months only an up to date “Save the dates” section is sent. Messages and announcements are saved up as much as possible to fit these publications. It is at the discretion of the board to decide on additional mailings to members.
Advertisement of courses
Courses and events are advertised in the “save the dates” section of the newsletter, the “save the dates” email and on the website. Courses and events willing to offer a 10% (or more) discount to ELS members are advertised in a more prominent way. When a course is offered for advertisement to the ELS, the administration will contact them to enquire about a discount.
The biennial conference is held every two years. Up until 2018 this was in even years. From 2021 this will be in uneven years. The Vice President is proposed by the Board of Directors and is elected by the
General Assembly four years in advance of the conference hosted by him/her. The conference is organized in the name of the board. A financial surplus form the conference will be returned to the society with one third of the net earnings (up to a maximum of € 10.000) granted to the President of the conference to be spent on research activities within his/her clinic of which the President will update the board.
ELS Workshop
In the year in between the main conference a workshop is organized. The aim of the workshop is to handle one specific topic in a more informal and basic setting. The usual time-frame is 1-2 days and it should cater mainly to laryngologists. The Board of Directors (PC) will hear proposals and then approve the topic and a basic outline of the workshop before it is awarded to a specific organizer. Organizer is responsible for the finances of the workshop and is free to set this up in his/her own way. There is a possibility of a € 5000 loan from the ELS as a starting capital. The ELS expects this loan to be repaid out of any surplus that the course may yield. If the loan cannot be repaid the ELS will ask for insight into the finances of the workshop. It is at the discretion of the board to then decide whether to pursue payment or not. PC members are expected to join and support the workshop although a representative delegation is acceptable.
The ELS has one type of grant which is a travel grant. Travel grants are intended to encourage international exchange within ELS members. Travel grants are especially intended for Junior members. Students or young scientists planning a short-term visit in a different institution for the purpose of learning new techniques/methods relevant to laryngology can be supported for the amount of up to €1.500 per travel grant. Up to 4 travel grants maximum can be awarded each year. The decision to award a travel grant is take by the Board of Directors at the board meeting. In case of a long time period before the next meeting the decision to award a grant may be taken by the executive council.
Oskar Kleinsasser Award (Storz)
The Oskar-Kleinsasser Award – Storz Prize is rewarded on a two-yearly basis coincidental with the biennial ELS Congress. Nominating the Oskar-Kleinsasser Award – Storz Prize is the privilege of the President and is awarded during the opening ceremony of the conference. The recipient must be a recognized senior European laryngologist, preferably a member of the ELS. The President submits his proposition to the Presidential Council some months before the congress. Storz provides the ELS with the award, a statue and a cheque, valued €2.500. The recipient of the award receives the statue and redirects the money to young professionals in the field of laryngology.
Lichtenberger Prize
The Presidential Council of the European Laryngological Society is offering the Lichtenberger Prize to a physician whose abstract was the best submission to the biennial Congress of the Society in basic research or clinical investigation in endoscopy, bronchology, esophagology, laryngology, and related science. Entries on research in clinical broncho-esophagology, physiology or pathology of the larynx or tracheobronchial tree are encouraged. The jury consists of the President, Past President, General Secretary and Treasurer of the ELS. In case of a draw, the President’s vote counts for two. The decision of the jury is final. The following circumstances will be taken into account:
- the first author, who must also be the presenter, should be less than 40 years old;
- competition for this prize is considered only after abstract is accepted for inclusion in the scientific program;
- the entry should be original and previously unpublished;
- contributors wishing to apply for the prize must state this at submission and state their age;
- the prize winner is expected to present the work and is responsible for the expenses for attending the meeting;
- membership of the ELS is encouraged, but not mandatory.
The Prize, €500 for ELS members, or €250 and two years of membership for non-members, will be presented during the opening ceremony or the General Assembly of the biennial Congress of the Society. Winners will be announced on the web site, and contribution of the entry in the European journal of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology will be encouraged by the Presidential Council.
Neurolaryngology Award (MED-EL)
The Presidential Council of the European Laryngological Society and MED-EL is offering the Neurolaryngology Award, to a physician whose abstract, according to the jury, was the best submission to the biennial Congress of the Society in basic research or clinical investigation in Neurolaryngology or neighboring fields with impact on Neurolaryngology. The following circumstances will be taken into account:
- Competition for this prize is considered only after abstract is accepted for inclusion in the scientific program;
- the submission should be original and previously unpublished;
- the authors can apply to have their submission considered for the award although formal application is not necessary, however, for a contribution to be considered;
- the award winner is expected to present the work and is responsible for the expenses for attending the meeting;
- membership of the ELS is encouraged, but not mandatory;
- if the award winner is not yet ELS member he receives full membership for two years with the reward. In this case the prize money will be reduced by the membership fee for full members for two years.
The jury consists of the 2 chairpersons of the Working Committee Neurolaryngology plus one member of the Working Committee Neurolaryngology, who needs to have approval of MED-EL as award sponsor. The decision of the jury is final. The prize money (€2000) will be presented during the opening ceremony or the General Assembly of the biennial Congress of the Society by the ELS president.
Winners will be announced on the web site of the ELS. MED-EL has to be referred as sponsor of the award during the award ceremony and in all publications related to the award.
Activities that are recognized as being performed as an official representative of the ELS that carry expenses are reimbursed by the society. In case of travel the society will reimburse economy air fares and first-class train fares as well as hotel costs up to €250 per night. Reimbursement is available for recognized activities which are listed below or after written approval by the Board which may be represented by the executive committee. Additional reimbursement of activities specifically for the ELS on is possible after detailed request and at the discretion of the PC.
Recognized activities are:
- biennial conference expenses (travel, conference fee and hotel) for: President, Vice President, Treasurer, General Secretary and the Vice General Secretary
- biennial conference fee only (for remaining PC members not mentioned above)
- biennial workshop expenses (travel, conference fee and hotel) for up to 3 people nominated by the PC to attend
- fellowship site inspection expenses (travel, conference fee and hotel)
All expenditures need to be approved by the Board of Directors who can be represented by a member of the executive committee in this case. An exception is made for daily costs (such as the printing of material, limited service fees etc.) for an amount not exceeding € 500 per instance. Cost not exceeding this amount may be approved by any member of the Executive Committee.
Processes mentioned in these internal rules may not be upheld in case of force majeure or circumstances forcing an alternative course of action. The board of directors is entrusted with the power to act in the best interest of the society in such cases.
Appendix 1
Profile of PC member for training and education
The role of the PC member for training and education is to lead the building of a structured educational and training program. Things that should be considered within an educational and training program are a “mini-fellowship” program, digital teaching platforms such as webinars, bring your cases session, meet the expert sessions etc, a fellows/residents tract adjoining our main conference, regional courses and exchange programs with affiliated societies. Part of the portfolio of training and education is also to evaluate and audit centres applying to be a training centre for the UEMS European Laryngological Fellowship program. It is up to the discretion of this PC member to institute a committee for education and training to share in the workload of this task.
Appendix 2
Profile of PC member for media and communication
The role of the PC member for media and communication is to head a committee working in this area. The PC would like to task this committee with:
- producing of four informative newsletters per year and creatively expand on current format
- managing the website by reviewing existing pages and expanding current content
- creating a network of national/regional representatives to inform of laryngological news/events in different European countries and regions
- generating new initiatives in the area of media and communication such as social media