The European Laryngological Society (ELS) has always had among its social objectives, a search for excellence in terms of clinical and scientific training. It is crucial that the various training centers with sufficient resources can welcome and train a new generation of laryngologists across Europe (US laryngology survey).

Accordingly, the ELS is acting as a contact platform between centers offering a fellowship in laryngology and aspiring fellows.

If you wish to be recognized as an ELS fellow training center, consult the UEMS logbook (Logbook ORL-HNS 1 & Logbook ORL-HNS 2) that specifies the domain of expertise of a laryngologist and eventually complete the attached center-application form and send it to the following address:

Your application will be submitted to the board of the ELS and an audit visit may be organized according to board’s decision. Your application as official ELS fellowship training center will be validated by ELS board members after auditing.

There is currently one center validated by ELS board that accommodates fellows in laryngology; the “Ospedale Policlinico San Martino-University of GENOA, Italy”.

If you are a fellow candidate please visit the center description and contact by e-mail its person of contact.